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Once upon a time there was a little Swiss boy who spent his childhood in the idyllic countryside of Sweden. Back in Switzerland, he devoted himself to studying natural sciences before entering the insurance industry. But the hamster wheel of top management increasingly distanced him from his passion for nature and fashion.

I, Sascha Hümbeli, am that boy. Today I am the founder, mastermind and head designer of TORLAND. After my career in the insurance industry, I decided to realize my long-held dream: to found a sustainable, fair jeans brand to do my part for our planet.

Pictures: Left - Port town of Karlshamn in southern Sweden, where I grew up; Right - Me with my twin brother in the lupine field.


In 2017, in my adopted home of Vienna, I started sewing the first TORLAND jeans on my old sewing machine in a small workshop in the 15th district. Today I design the models myself, while partners in Turkey produce according to GOTS standards to ensure sustainable materials and fair working conditions.

Jeans made of organic cotton were a given for me from the beginning. The impact of mass production on the environment is alarming. That's why I focus on timeless designs and durability. We offer a repair service and recycle jeans that are no longer wearable in upcycling projects - we call this #SlowdownFashion .

TORLAND has grown since then, with new models, a team and two stores in Vienna, which also carry sustainable clothing from partners. The name TORLAND is a tribute to Nordic nature.

Pictures: Left - Sascha studying at ETH Zurich; Right - Sascha sewing his first pair of jeans.

What we stand for

At TORLAND, we focus on environmentally friendly clothing that is durable and recyclable. The fashion industry produces 92 million tons of waste every year, mainly through fast fashion, and pollutes the environment with toxic chemicals. It is time for a change. We call on the fashion industry to take responsibility and reduce environmental impact and improve working conditions.

The TORLAND team

Since 2020, Claudia Widlhofer has been supporting TORLAND founder Sascha Hümbeli in management. Claudia looks after the branches in Vienna and is responsible for purchasing, personnel and sales, while Sascha takes care of design, production and the online business. They are supported by store manager Fred Luamba Liyolo and photographer Tina Janausek.

Since 2022, they have been supported by the two entrepreneurs Roman Hammerschmiedt and Jürgen Lang. Roman is the owner of several companies and is committed to developing innovative projects in the environmental sector. Jürgen is a management consultant and has extensive experience in the areas of corporate finance and change management.

Picture left: Claudia and Sascha in front of the first TORLAND shop in Vienna (2020).

What we do

We produce sustainable jeans
Our jeans are made from natural fibers from organic farming, free from harmful substances. Find out more about our jeans production .

We repair jeans
To extend the service life, we offer a repair service. Find out more about our repair service .

We collect jeans
At the end of their life, we collect the jeans to avoid waste. Find out more about our jeans collection campaign .

We upcycle jeans
We make new products from old jeans in social sewing workshops in Vienna. Find out more about our upcycling program .

We recycle jeans
Leftover jeans are recycled to create new materials for our collections. Find out more about our recycled materials.


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