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Eulersche Identität


Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of mathematics and physics with our exclusive t-shirt celebrating Euler's Identity - a formula that fascinates not only in its simplicity, but also in its depth and beauty.

Discovered by the legendary mathematician Leonhard Euler, this equation combines fields of mathematics, physics and music in an astonishing way. With our T-shirt we pay tribute to the outstanding achievement of this mathematician and show the beauty of this impressive formula, paying homage to the power and aesthetics of mathematics. Wear this shirt with pride and share the joy of this timeless formula with the world!

In the following section, the Swiss mathematician Marcel Liechti explains the background of this formula.

Marcel Liechti on the importance of Euler’s identity:

Euler's identity e + 1 = 0 is often hailed as the most beautiful equation of all time because it bridges the gap between mathematics, physics and music , reflecting the harmony we humans seek in these disciplines and in life itself.

Leonhard Euler was a Swiss mathematician and physicist who lived in the 18th century and is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. Born on April 15, 1707 in Basel, Switzerland, Euler made extraordinary contributions to various areas of mathematics, including calculus, graph theory, and topology. He also worked in physics, particularly optics and astronomy.

Euler's identity is a famous equation in mathematics and is often admired for its elegance and simplicity. It connects five fundamental mathematical constants in a remarkably simple relationship:

e + 1 = 0

Here, e stands for the base of the natural logarithm, i for the imaginary unit (the root of -1), and π for the number pi. The equation is part of a larger context, the Euler formula, which for any real number x is:

e ix = cos(x) + i sin(x)

Euler's identity is obtained from this formula by setting x = π. It combines in an astonishing way areas of mathematics that at first glance seem unrelated: the exponential function, trigonometry and complex numbers. Its simplicity and depth make it one of the most beautiful examples of mathematics.

In music, identity has a deep connection to harmony and vibrations . It reflects the beauty that occurs when tones come together to form pure chords. Each tone is a wave, and Euler's identity can be seen as a symbol of the perfect wave, whose vibrations result in the deep and pleasant harmonies that delight our ear and soul. The frequency of these vibrations follows mathematical relationships that are reflected in the clear beauty of Euler's identity.

In physics, Euler's identity is fundamental to understanding the quantum world . Wave functions that describe the behavior of particles use complex exponential functions that are at the core of Euler's formula. The interference of these wave functions reveals the hidden order in the apparent chaos of the subatomic world. This order, captured in Euler's identity, reminds us that a deep symmetry exists at the heart of the universe.

When we look at Euler's Identity, we see more than a formula; we see a reflection of our own search for order, beauty and harmony. It represents the human quest to understand the world and reminds us that within the complexity of life there exist structures of striking simplicity and elegance. This equation embodies the balance we seek in our own lives - a perfect interplay of different elements that results in a satisfying whole.

Thus, the Eulerian identity connects our intellectual and emotional worlds. It is an emblem of how we find harmony in music , order in physics , and balance in our own existence. It is a reassuring promise that despite the disorder around us, the universe and ourselves are capable of creating moments of perfect clarity and beauty. This identity is not just an equation, it is an ode to the universal principle of harmony .

Marcel Liechti, Master of Mathematics, Math Coach, author and Torland investor

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